Volume 13 - 16 August 2024
From The Principal
Welcome to this week’s newsletter
It has certainly been a wet week, and the students always find it hard when they can’t get out and run away. Hopefully the skies will clear soon.
Be the reason
Today during lunch time, a group of children were playing under the building, they were kicking a ball amongst themselves. There was another student sitting there really wanting to play but not able to get in. He was looking very sad. Eventually the other children noticed and invited him into their game, it was beautiful. The little guy was so happy, it made his day. I took the time at the end of playtime to let the other children know what a great thing they had done. It’s those little things that mean so much. ‘Be the reason someone smiles today’
Toys at school
Please encourage you child or children to leave their toys at home. Often when toys are bought from home it causes disagreements when someone else picks up their toy. There is also the issue that it may get broken and as a school we can’t take responsibility to look after everyone’s toys.
After school pick up
We have had a couple of children running across the road to their cars in the afternoon at school pick up time. Could we ask parents and carers to ensure that the children walk to the car and if they are little ones; parents, please meet your children on the school side and walk them across. School zones can be very dangerous at home time as there are lots of cars around.
Thank you all😊
From The Deputy Principal
Premier’s Reading Challenge
NEWSFLASH – 5A, 6A and 6B, as a class, have finished the Premier’s Reading Challenge.
A big ‘well done’ to 5A, 6A and 6B for completing the Premier’s Reading Challenge as a class. A big ‘Thank you’ to their English teacher, Ms Robinson, for supporting them in completing this.
We have four whole classes across the line for the challenge, Prep A, 5A, 6A and 6B.
It was great to see another two students successfully cross the Reading Challenge finishing line. Pictured below are Lachlan (2B) and Briana (4B) proudly holding their completed Premier’s Reading Challenge sheets.
With only a week to go, we are keen for as many classes as possible to get across the line.
What is the ‘finish line’ for the Premier’s Reading Challenge?
Prep to Year 4: 20 picture books.
Year 5 and 6 students: 15 chapter books.
We can do it, Leichhardt!
If you have any questions regarding the Premier’s Reading Challenge, please contact Mrs Elsje McQueen, Leichhardt State School’s ambassador for the Challenge (emcqu3@eq.edu.au).
Attendance @ Leichhardt
The Week 5 Assembly saw 5B take out the Senior Attendance Lion with an average week attendance of 88.89%. Only 1.11% of the 90% target! Congratulations, 5B!
2B took out the Junior Attendance Lion with an average attendance percentage of 80%. 10% off the 90% target! Well done, 2B!
The Week 6 Assembly saw 4B take out the Senior Attendance Lion again with an average week attendance of 82.81%. Only 7.19% off the 90% target! Good work, 4B!
3B took out the Junior Attendance Lion with an average attendance percentage of 79%. 11% off the target 90%. Good work, 3B!
Regular school attendance is crucial for your child's growth and development. Consistent attendance enhances their academic experience, fosters important social skills, and lays a strong foundation for future success. By prioritizing their school attendance, you are supporting their educational journey and helping to instil a sense of responsibility and structure that will benefit them throughout their lives.
We value your commitment to prioritizing education. Together, we are dedicated to building a brighter and more successful future for our students.
Book Week Parade 2024
The end of the Premier’s Reading Challenge culminates in Leichhardt’s Annual Book Week Parade! Please start discussing costume ideas with your child now in preparation for the Book Week Parade next Friday at 8:50am in the Hall. The theme of this year’s Book Week is ‘Reading is Magic!’
From The Head Of Teaching And Learning
PBL news!
Week 5 and Week 6
There has been a huge emphasis in making sure students are following staff instructions to ensure safety. This includes being in the right place and making sure shoes are on feet.
Students have continued working as a team, to keep school and personal property safe. This includes storing and charging our devices and placing our school bags in a neat manner.
High Five
Students are encouraged to use the ‘High Five’ when needed. This is reviewed every assembly as well as in class and in the playground, in order to support our students in making good behaviour choices.
I would like to thank our families for partnering with us around Positive Behaviour for Learning. The Department of Education has outlined the benefits for students of family-school engagement including: improved academic outcomes, stronger relationships with adults and peers, better social skills; and improved mental health. When families and schools work together to reinforce positive behaviours, students benefit from clear expectations and consistent reinforcement both at home and in school. This collaboration helps to create a cohesive approach to behaviour management, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility for students' well-being and success.
If you would like any more information regarding PBL in practice, family engagement. Please visit this link
‘Best Class on Parade’
Over the last few weeks, we have returned the ‘Best Class on Parade’ Trophy. The trophy goes to the best class who demonstrate SHELL during Parade and leave the hall the quietest.
S – sitting quietly
H – hands together
E – eyes facing the speaker
L – listening ears on
L – legs crossed
Congratulations to the following classes;
Week 5 – Ms Macayla – 1B
Week 6 – Ms Payne – 3B
Who will be the winning class for Week 7?
Year 5 and 6 reminders
To assist our Year 5 and 6 students for high school, students have been taking more responsibility for their supplies, such as their pencil case and ruler, between classes. Please remind your student to ensure their ruler, pencil case, complete with lead pencils and an eraser, are in their bag each morning before they leave for school. Thank you, Miss Greenwood, for creating our posters to remind students to organise their belongings.
Bullying No Way!
Bullying No Way National week of action takes place not only 12 – 16 August, but every day. It’s about embracing who we are, respecting everyone's differences and standing up together against unkindness. During this week, students have engaged in activities and have worked together in spreading kindness. Today, Leichhardt State School students have come together, dressed in purple to ensure that everyone belongs and continues to respect others and use kind words.
From The Head Of Special Education
Just a reminder that if you have any requests for documentations for appointments, please see Miss Anna in the Main Office. She will have the relevant forms that require completing before we can release information to external providers. Ideally our support team requires two weeks to complete these requests.
In good news, I am now located in Room 1 which is located next to the Sanctuary. I look forward to seeing you all each morning. You will also find numerous support staff in this area as well.
Coffee with a Cop!
Book Club
Book Club catalogues have been sent home this week, if you missed yours, please see Miss Anna at the office or have a look at the link below.
Ordering through LOOP is super easy, and every order earns a $5 credit to use for the next catalogue!
Orders for issue 6 close on the 28th of August, don't miss out on some great reads!
From The Teachers
Year 3B with Miss Lee
I get to have year 3 once a week, and this week we finished up the topic of 3D shapes by creating models with play-dough and toothpicks! The students thoroughly enjoyed this activity and were able to show different and creative ways on how they could represent a 3D shape and its properties! As well as play with play-dough of course! Well done year 3!
Year 5 Excursion to the Botanical Gardens and Planetarium
On Thursday, our Year 5 students and staff embarked on an exciting excursion to the Botanical Gardens and Planetarium at Mt Coot-tha. Despite the wet weather, the students had a great time exploring the Botanical Gardens, where they completed the engaging Children's 'Hide and Seek' Trail.
The day continued with a visit to the Planetarium, where students expanded their understanding of the Solar System, building on their lessons in Science. The astronomer leading the session was impressed by the students' deep knowledge and thoughtful questions, highlighting their enthusiasm and curiosity about the universe.
Well done, Year 5s! Thank you to Mr Birch, Aunty Marly, Ms Carolin, Ms Kayla and Mrs Finlay who facilitated the excursion.
Year 5 Math with Miss Lee
Year 5 has been learning all about 3D shapes! The last few days the year 5’s have been exploring the features of 3D shapes, as well as their NETS! They have been working very hard and should be very proud of their progress so far!
Year 6 Math with Miss Lee
Year 6 have been working very diligently on completing parts of their assessment task! They have just finished their component on fractions! Have a look at their fraction posters they have been working on! The students were able to create a poster in a group about our topic but also add their own personal touches to make it colourful and engaging! Well done year 6!
From The P&C
The P&C volunteers have been hard at work with the tuckshop, creating amazing lunches for the kids who have been reporting excellent feedback on their goodies. We are always open for more feedback or new ideas if you’d like to bring it on up to the amazing volunteers.
We are always looking for more helpers to help carry the weekly load, if you're able to come in for an hour or two in the mornings on our open days; Wednesday to Friday, please come on up and see us for more information. (Blue Card Needed)
Father’s Day is approaching quickly with our Father’s Day Stall almost ready to rumble on the 26th and 27th of August. Pricing will be in the range of 50c to $15 for bundled items.
The Tuckshop had a smashing day for the EKKA Strawberry Sundaes and Smoothies, a massive thank you to everyone who supported in buying 1 or even 2 on the day!
We are getting closer and closer to our Year 6 Camp Donation Targets. Woohoo!!
We are working on some new ideas for the near future, so please jump on Facebook and Like both the LSS Page and the P&C page to keep updated on our exciting new ventures.
Don’t forget to Download our online ordering app QKR! to order tuckshop and Uniforms. Please take the time to double check your child’s profile so their class and information is correct.
Our P&C meetings are open to new members who would like to join 😊