Volume - 22 November 2024
From The Principal
From the Principal
Year 6 camp
This week, I had the privilege of attending the Year 6 camp alongside some of our amazing students and staff. It was truly a wonderful experience to witness so many students stepping out of their comfort zones and trying new things. They faced a variety of challenges—from balancing on a stand-up paddleboard to packing up their belongings at the end of camp.
At the conclusion of the camp, I asked the students a simple question: “Why can you all walk?” The answer is straightforward: “Because you never stopped trying.” Our students demonstrated that if they kept persevering, they would eventually succeed. It was inspiring to see them keep trying and ultimately achieve their goals.
I would also like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to our incredible staff who made this experience possible. Without their dedication and willingness to volunteer, camp simply wouldn’t happen. A special thank you to Mr. Jack, Miss Lee, Aunty Marly, and Miss Robinson. Your time and effort in supporting our students is truly appreciated
Leichhardt State School 4-Year Strategic Plan (2025–2028)
As we come to the end of 2024, we continue to plan for 2025. At the moment we are developing our school’s four-year strategic plan. This plan will consist of four major priorities. Our first priority is:
Priority 1: Improve Student Reading Abilities
Ensure that every student at Leichhardt State School is able to read proficiently by the time they leave the school, providing them with the foundation for lifelong learning and success.
Why Reading Matters:
Reading is the gateway to all other learning. By strengthening our students’ reading skills, we are opening doors to greater opportunities in every area of life—academically, socially, and professionally. Our commitment to improving reading proficiency will empower our students to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Eight Benefits of Reading for Children
1.Builds concentration
Focusing on a story, characters and plot is good practice for a child and an interactive way to develop focus. Skills like concentration and focus are very important for school aged children who spend many hours a day listening and interacting with peers and teachers at school.
2.Improves memory
To follow a story, you need to be able to remember it. Reading an extended story over a number of nights you’ll build on your child’s memory skills. You could go one further and ask for a recap or a ‘previously on…’ before or after a reading session.
3.Teaches about the world
Reading, even more than film and tv, is a window to other worlds and times. This is because a child creates the world they’re reading about in their head as they read. Instead of simply telling a child ‘What is what’, a story book invites the child to construct a universe in their own mind.
4.Develops empathy
The more we know about our emotions and feeling, the better we can empathise with others and relate to their point of view. Reading stories can showcase those emotions and helps us pinpoint different feelings in ourselves and those around us. We learn about empathy, one of the most important social skills.
5.Expands vocabulary
Just 20 minutes of reading time a day will expose your child to more than 1.8 million words a year. That means an expanded vocabulary for your child and more ways for them to express themselves.
6.Boosts critical thinking
Comprehension skills and analytical thinking are built when we read more. Practice makes perfect, so get your child reading more and their skills in analytical thinking and comprehension can increase. Also, we are taught to not believe everything we read and the only way to better understand this is to read a variety of things!
7.Helps build positive self-image
Reading reveals different people of different shapes, sizes and colours and this too is important for children. Sometimes we don’t always see relatable images in mass media, reading is a place where we see that there are different types of people in the world, ones that we can relate to.
8.Better performance in school
Reading can improve a child’s results and performance at school. There is plenty of evidence that shows children read to more frequently tend to achieve higher scores in tests.
Supporting the Vision:
We recognize that improving reading is not only a priority but a shared responsibility. Together, teachers, students, parents, and the community will work in partnership to achieve these goals. Through this strategic focus on reading, we will give our students the best chance for success both now and in the future.
Thank you,
Andrew Goldie
Thank You City Hope Church
A huge Thank You to City Hope Church for their ongoing support to Leichhardt State School Staff. We hope you all have a safe and Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
From The Deputy Principal
Attendance Achievements in Week 6 @ Leichhardt
A big congratulations to 1B for achieving the highest attendance of the Junior School classes in Week 6 with an overall attendance average percentage of 90%. Well done, 1B!
Week 6, in the Senior School, 5B led the way with the highest attendance, achieving an impressive 90%. Keep up the great work, 5B!
Attendance Achievements in Week 7 @ Leichhardt
A big congratulations to 3B for reaching and surpassing the attendance goal of 90% with an overall attendance average percentage of 92% in Week 7. Well done, 3B!
Week 7, in the Senior School, 5B led the way again with the highest attendance, achieving an impressive 89.23%. So close to the 90% goal. Keep up the great work, 5B!
Why School Attendance Counts!
Regular school attendance is vital for a child’s academic success and personal growth. Being in school consistently helps students keep up with lessons, participate in group activities, and build strong relationships with teachers and peers. Each day missed can create gaps in learning that make it harder to catch up and stay engaged.
At our school, we have set an attendance goal of 90%. This benchmark ensures that students are present enough to benefit fully from their education, develop good habits, and maintain steady academic progress. Let’s work together to meet this goal and support our students' bright futures.
Upcoming Sporting Events!
Tuesday Week 10
Mr Scott’s ‘Battle of the Classes!’
Each Year 4 to 6 class will compete against each other in the ‘Battle of the Classes!’ participating in three games that students have learnt over the term.
4A, 5A, 6A to wear red for the event please.
4B, 5B, 6B to wear blue for the event please.
Friday Week 10 – Years 3 to 6 Swimming Carnival
8:50am to 12:45pm at the Leichhardt Swimming Pool.
Permission notes must be returned to attend the Swimming Carnival as the event is not on the schoolgrounds.
This is a free event. No payment is required.
Come and support your House!
Alphabet Challenge at LSS!
Over the past few weeks students have been engaging in ‘Alphabet Challenges’ in class. Why is it important to know the alphabet?
The alphabet is the foundation of literacy. Learning to recite it in order is more than just a school exercise; it's an essential skill that supports early language development and reading. Knowing the alphabet sequence helps children understand how letters relate to one another, which aids in recognizing patterns in words and eventually spelling. This familiarity also supports alphabetizing, a skill used in organizing information, such as looking up words in dictionaries and understanding alphabetical order in lists. Mastering the sequence is a small step with a big impact, paving the way for confident reading and effective communication.
In the photo below, Gerard (5B), proudly displays his lower-case alphabet writing completed in 30 seconds with correct letter formation and placement. Well done, Gerard!
Online Awards Celebration @ Leichhardt
Week 8 Assembly saw many students receiving online awards.
Here are just some photos of students receiving awards for the month of October.
Year 5
Maiana received the EP Award! Well done, Maiana!
Mia (Year 1) received 13 certificates! Well done, Mia!
Zakk (3B) received the Stadium Award! Well done, Zakk!
2025 Prep!
It was wonderful to have 2025 Preps receiving awards at the Assembly. Well done, Tyson who has already completed Map 2 on Reading Eggs! We are looking forward to seeing more of our 2025 Preps at the final Online Awards Assembly in November!
Teacher Engagement Award for August for Reading Eggs goes to Ms Ebert (3A). Year 3A students completed an amazing total of 92 Reading Eggs lessons in October! Well done, Ms Ebert! Well done, 3A!
If you would like your child to work on the online resources (Reading Eggs, Mathletics and EP) at home and you do not have their login details, please contact your child’s teacher.
From The Head Of Department - Teaching And Learning
Positive Behaviour For Learning
During Weeks 7, 8, and 9, our Positive Behaviour for Learning focus centred on the themes of Learning through Perseverance. Our students have been working hard completing final assessment pieces and showcasing their learning.
Teachers and students have continued to work together as a team, to keep school and personal property safe. This includes; staying on task, storing and charging our devices after use, and placing our school bags in a neat manner. As part of the PBL process, teachers and students have had conversations about how to use devices. As a school, we are in the process of creating positively stated expectations to embed throughout the school.
As a school we have created our device expectations. If you have any questions or concerns, we are requesting the community to share their feedback with us.
High Five
Students are encouraged to use the ‘High Five’ when needed. This is reviewed every assembly as well as in class and in the playground, in order to support our students in making good behaviour choices.
Year 5 and 6 reminders
As we prepare for the transition to high school, we encourage our Year 5 and 6 students to take greater responsibility for their supplies. Please remind your student to check that their pencil case, complete with lead pencils and an eraser, as well as their ruler, are packed in their bag each morning before leaving for school. Thank you to Miss Greenwood for creating the posters that will help remind students to stay organised!
Sun Safety
As the warmer weather approaches, it is important for all students to practice sun safety. Please encourage your child to:
- Wear a broad-brim hat to protect their face and neck.
- Apply sunscreen regularly throughout the day.
- Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated.
- Seek shade whenever possible, whether under a building or tree.
Let’s work together to keep our students safe and healthy in the sun!
‘Best Class on Parade’
We’re excited to continue the ‘Best Class on Parade’ Trophy! This award will go to the class that best demonstrates the SHELL behaviour during Parade and leaves the hall the quietest.
SHELL stands for:
S – Sitting quietly
H – Hands together
E – Eyes facing the speaker
L – Listening ears on
L – Legs crossed
Let’s all work together to earn this trophy by showing our best behaviour!
The winning class will enjoy VIP seating the following week as a special reward! Let’s all work together to earn this trophy and enjoy the perks of being the best class!
Good luck to everyone!
Congratulations to Year 1!
PBL in Practice Family Engagement
I would like to thank our families for partnering with us around Positive Behaviour for Learning. The Department of Education has outlined the benefits for students of family-school engagement including; improved academic outcomes, stronger relationships with adults and peers, better social skills; and improved mental health. When families and schools work together to reinforce positive behaviours, students benefit from clear expectations and consistent reinforcement both at home and in school. This collaboration helps to create a cohesive approach to behaviour management, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility for students' well-being and success.
If you would like any more information regarding PBL in practice, family engagement. Please visit this link
From The Head Of Special Education
2025 National Disability Insurance Scheme support during school time
In preparation for next year, if your child is continuing with External supports, as part of their National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Participant Plan, in 2025, you will be required to update all NDIS provider details and information with the school at the beginning of Term 1, 2025.
The below information outlines the process, that the school must follow to grant access for on-site appointments to commence. It is mandatory that this information is updated at the beginning of every school year.
- Parent / Guardian will need to complete an NDIS request form and return it to the school. https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/ndisaccess-request-form.docx
- Update Consent to share form
- The principal considers the request and may seek further information if required.
- Parent / Guardian will be advised in writing if the request has been approved. It is the Parent / Guardians responsibility to advise the NDIS provider that your request has been approved and ask them to provide the required documentation and information to the school as soon as possible.
- School enters into an Access Agreement plan with the child’s parent / guardian and the NDIS provider. This document sets out the arrangements and conditions for how the support will be delivered at school. This document must be signed by all parties involved before sessions can commence on site.
- The NDIS provider completes mandatory training, including any training required by the principal, and provides the required supporting documentation.
- Once the above process is complete the NDIS provider will be able to commence their sessions.
Jessica Rivett and Emma Fitzpatrick will be available via email from Wednesday 22/01/2025. We will be able to provide you with all the supporting documentation required to complete the process moving into the new school year. Please contact us via Emma Fitzpatrick – efitz106@eq.edu.au and Jessica Rivett – jrive24@eq.edu.au
Further information around the NDIS provider delivering the support at school, during school time information is available at:
Just a friendly reminder that if you have not enrolled your child into high school for Year 7, now is a good time to do this. Local high schools have started their transitions to Year 7 and offer additional transition days for students, who require extra support settling into their new schools. Ipswich State High School has begun their supported transition days.
Bremer will have their supported transition days coming up in November. This program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to tour the school, meet the Year 7 team, and work in smaller groups ahead of Bremer’s Orientation Day, scheduled for Friday, 29th November. This additional exposure will help ease any anxieties and set students up for a successful transition to high school. If you wish for your child to participate in these additional sessions at Bremer High School, please scan the QR Code or email Emily Convery to register.
As we are coming close to the end of a busy term, we ask that if you require observation letters, questionnaires completed or require interviews with specialists to please see or email Admin to complete an External Request and to make sure your consent to share is updated. Before we can make contact with your external agencies, we requiring their name added to your consent to share.
Jessica Rivett
Head of Special Education
Year 6 Camp
The Year 6s have been having an amazing time! They've been stand-up paddle boarding, building rafts, meeting professional BMX rider Alec Danelutti, enjoying laser tag, surviving challenges, and playing ball games. Now, after a delicious meal, they're winding down with a movie to wrap up Day 2!
Ipswich Speak It Up Children's Council Graduation 2024
Leichhardt State School and Mission Australia are proud to celebrate its graduating students, who have shown exceptional leadership skills throughout their time in the program. These young leaders have worked collaboratively to represent the voices of children across Ipswich.
Congratulations to Tahlia, Christianna and Riley from Year 6.
From The Deadly Room
BRIKS Program
Congratulations to the students graduating from the Building Resilient Indigenous Kids for School Program (BRIKS)! This program has empowered young indigenous learners with tools to strengthen their confidence, resilience and cultural pride. preparing them for success in school and beyond.
Kindy Kid Visit
Aunty Marly and The Kindy Kids have enjoyed another session of cultural learning, play and craft. It is one of the highlights of the week to see these beautiful children from the Daycare across the road visit us.
From The P&C
New Sports Bucket Hats
We are delighted to announce that our new reversible sports bucket hats have arrived! They are available in three vibrant colours: Acacia Yellow, Banksia Red, and Kurrajong Green, 57cm size with adjustable toggle. These hats are perfect for protecting our students from the sun during outdoor activities and are now on sale for $15 each. Be sure to get yours soon!
Tuckshop Update
Please be advised that the last day for tuckshop operations this term is the 29th of November. There will be a limited menu available, and tuckshop ordering will be turned off after this date. We are always looking to improve our menu, so if you think we are missing something or have any suggestions for the new year, please come and let us know before next week.
Uniform Ordering
Uniform ordering is still available until the end of Week 11 however very limited stock is available. The last Uniform Order pick-up day will be Friday 13th December. Additionally, new uniform sizes will be available in the new year, and we will advise when online ordering recommences with updated stock. These uniforms will be sold at $29 each. We will also announce the school holiday Uniform Shop open days once they are confirmed.
Thank You
We would like to extend our gratitude to the staff, parents, and families for their ongoing support and commitment. A special thank you goes out to the tuckshop volunteers for their hard work and dedication this term. Your efforts are truly appreciated and contribute greatly to the smooth running of our Tuckshop.
Thank you,
P&C Committee